X amount of words
Var hos läkaren idag med ryggfan. Hon skulle remitera mig till e sjukgymnast, och tyckte jag skulle börja med någon träning, så det får bli att börja simma. Det är iaf det bästa jag kan komma på för axlarna. Tog ett långt riktigt skönt bad för en stund sen, massa massa varmt och massa gojs i. Lyssnade på bra musik och bara tänkte. Tänkte på massa saker som jag inte har tillåtit mig själv att tänka på på riktigt länge. Och jag måste erkänna att många av dom jobbiga sakerna faktiskt visade sig vara löjligt enkla egentligen. Det var jobbigt just då, men fan vad bra det blev till slut iaf! Ska åka hem imorgon efter jobbet, är mer hos mamma än hemma hos mig själv. hatar verkligen mina grannar. men ska städa lite imorgon o bara vara själv, kommer lite folk på lördag, blir nog trevligt. Nej nu ska jag nog lägga mig och läsa lite, gör det för sällan numera asså. tjipp
Blue october - X amount of words
Prevent trigger intent
Now drown
High strung
Say X amount of words
You're solar, bipolar
Panic disorder
Seems harder and harder and harder
Still you try to control it
You mold, you mold
Yeah you shape to mold
Oh you're bold you're bold
But your shape is bold
You're a symptom superficial
To what they call knowing you
Minus the speed,
Could you imagine the phobia?
Your brain is faulty wiring
the reason for tiring
Keep treating the curse,
Imagine the worst
Systematic, sympathetic
Quite pathetic, apologetic, paramedic
Your heart is prosthetic
A plate of quite peculiar
On a dish of my own
A tablespoon of feather
tickle me to the bone
Give me recipes for happy
with the chemicals gone
Drinking freedom from a bottle
to the tune of belong
I'm sick of shaking
never waking
from the hell I achieve
I never knew you till you left me
with the crying disease
Another curing, reassuring
way to buckle the knees
So mistreated, I repeated
Never blessing your sneeze
Now deleted and defeated
I will stand on my own
Yeah your memory that punches me
has broken the bone
Give me recipes for sorry
I'm admitting I'm wrong
Still your memory that punches me
has broken the bone
Blue october - X amount of words
Prevent trigger intent
Now drown
High strung
Say X amount of words
You're solar, bipolar
Panic disorder
Seems harder and harder and harder
Still you try to control it
You mold, you mold
Yeah you shape to mold
Oh you're bold you're bold
But your shape is bold
You're a symptom superficial
To what they call knowing you
Minus the speed,
Could you imagine the phobia?
Your brain is faulty wiring
the reason for tiring
Keep treating the curse,
Imagine the worst
Systematic, sympathetic
Quite pathetic, apologetic, paramedic
Your heart is prosthetic
A plate of quite peculiar
On a dish of my own
A tablespoon of feather
tickle me to the bone
Give me recipes for happy
with the chemicals gone
Drinking freedom from a bottle
to the tune of belong
I'm sick of shaking
never waking
from the hell I achieve
I never knew you till you left me
with the crying disease
Another curing, reassuring
way to buckle the knees
So mistreated, I repeated
Never blessing your sneeze
Now deleted and defeated
I will stand on my own
Yeah your memory that punches me
has broken the bone
Give me recipes for sorry
I'm admitting I'm wrong
Still your memory that punches me
has broken the bone